Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sacrificing the most Important Things in your Life - An ICT Activity

Last day, we had an activity about sacrificing six things that are important to your life. The six things I wrote are privacy, love, God, family, friends and home.

In the first round, I sacrificed privacy. I sacrificed privacy, does not mean that I can sacrifice myself. It's the secrets that only myself knows. Because even if they know all my secrets, it's still me, I'm still the real me.

In the second round, I sacrificed home, while other sacrificed food, water, gadgets, etc. Unlike them, I am ready to sacrifice my home as long as I have my family to protect me from any harm and troubles that may come along the way. If I'll sacrifice food and water I'll die, and it's okay to sacrifice gadgets, I can live with no gadgets, for what is important is we our own family.

In the third round, I sacrificed two important things, friends and love.I sacrificed friend because family is more important in our lives. They are the ones that you can count and hold onto when you encounter troubles and failures. I also sacrificed love, because sometime love might hurt you badly by loving the wrong person. True love is in our own family and no one can replace that kind of love.

Lastly, is the most difficult round. It's really difficult to sacrifice the two most important things in your life, which is family and God. I really think hard of what to sacrifice, but in the end I sacrificed family, because God can return all you have sacrificed and He can never leave you alone. He can guide you and protect you from all the trials and dangers. God is just like a mirror, He is happy when you are happy. He is sad when you are sad. But there is one thing He can't do, to turn His back to you by the time you turned your back to Him. God has the greatest love above all, He loves you for who you are and He'll never leave by your side.

In the end, our teacher told us that there is no need to sacrifice, he just challenged is. Now, I learned that you don't need to sacrifice anything, because they are the most important thing you can't live without.

(Sorry for the wrong grammar *^__^*)


  1. When we have something special to our deepest consciousness, we are too enamored with it rather than letting it go, so letting us say that 'this one is hard to sacrifice.'

    The feels, Kate, do you know those feels that many of us felt when Sir told us that if we don't want to sacrifice anything, then just keep them all?

    A nice reflection on the last activity Kits. An article well-done. ;)

  2. Kate, I really like your theme and background. How did you do that? Like. Like. Like :)
